As a Storybrand certified guide, I received early access to the new tool in January 2025th. And naturally, I had blocked some time to play around with it on the day it came out!
The Backstory: Excited and Also Not
As a marketer, I’ve been using AI for a while. At the time of writing this, I rely on
- Claude for writing (e.g. fleshing out strategy documents, writing content based on my outline and style guide, etc)
- HotGoss (a tool for pro marketers) for strategic insights and help with research
- ChatGPT for general brainstorming and inspiration
- And a lot of other tools and software I use have an AI component to it – some better than others.
Just to say – I’m not against using AI tools in my business.
However, when Storybrand announced they were creating their own AI, I was apprehensive – to say the least. I felt they were late to the game, and no way they could create a tool that could surpass or replace any of the above… and no way they could create a tool that would replace the training and experience of a certified Storybrand guide.
On the other side, I could see the perks: fans of the framework would often try to create their own brandscript with sub-par results. What if could propose a tool that would gather all the information, then turn it into a more coherent brandscript than someone without the benefit of full Storybrand Guide training and experience could create by themselves?
First Impression: Looking Great!
Not entirely surprisingly, went above and beyond in providing a clear and easy-to-use tool. With a similar setup to their Small Business Flight School, where you can easily follow the steps, and find materials you worked on previously in the sidebar, it’s easy to see what you get at first sight.

You can choose between creating a campaign, an individual piece of marketing collateral, starting a conversation, jotting down notes, or accessing the assets you created earlier – right from the home screen.
How it works
On the homepage, you can get right to work and create a campaign (up to 16 assets), an individual asset, ask a question, or use a blank canvas. But before you get to any of those, I recommend building a “brand profile”.
Under “Brand Profile“, you’ll be asked 7 questions about the brand; you’ll be able to edit these later, and to use these profiles to create a campaign or an individual asset. While you can go through the same (or very similar) questions when you start a campaign from scratch, you won’t be able to review or edit your answers to the questions, or to re-use your answers on a second campaign.
Under Create a Campaign, after answering a series of questions OR choosing the brand profile you just created, you’ll be able to choose up to 16 assets to create from that single profile (see the full list below).
Under Create an Individual Asset, you get the same choice between answering questions vs using an existing brand profile; but you’ll pick only one of these 16 assets to create. Not sure why they made this a separate thing – might as well pick “create a campaign” and then only pick one asset to create.
The Ask Any Question feature doesn’t seem that different from asking ChatGPT (although I assume it will have more in-depth knowledge about the Storybrand framework), but I’m sure it\s useful for people who want one tool that does it all.
The Blank Canvas feature felt a bit useless at first, why would I want to “jot down notes” in this tool? However, upon closer inspection it turns out to have a “Consult the Brain” button which makes it super straightforward to write something from scratch or copy-paste something else, then start a conversation with the AI about it.
While I could have tested all of the above extensively and probably written a book about it, I chose to review only the main feature (Create a Campaign) so I could form and share a quick opinion about the whole thing quickly.
Creating a “Campaign” (up to 16 assets)
One feature I loved right away, is the ability to create a “campaign”: either asks you a series of questions or asks you to pick a brand profile you already created; based on that information, it can produce a whole array of marketing assets including
- A brandscript = the 7-part Storybrand framework, laid out visually
- A tagline and one-liner
- A product or service name, description, and copy for product packaging
- A website “wireframe” = the copy for your website homepage, laid out following Storybrand’s framework
- Copy for your website’s “about” page – your brand or product story
- Ideas for generating new leads by offering free resources like a downloadable PDF, a webinar series, etc.
- A fully-formed lead-generating PDF
- Suggestions for domain names for your business, product, or lead gen
- Emails: sales emails and nurture emails
- Sales talking points for yourself and your sales team
- Video scripts
- Social media post ideas and captions
After you’ve answered the questions, will ask you which assets you want – and then proceed to create the marketing collateral you’ve asked for.

Review: Brandscript
Just like when working with an real-life Storybrand Certified Guide, the first step the AI takes is to create a so-called “brandscript”. This is a visual representation of the hero’s journey for your target audience: it outlines your company story in 7 steps.
- A character = your ideal customer or client avatar
- Has a problem: an external problem (an tangible issue), linked to an internal problem (how the issue makes them feel) and a philosophical problem (why that’s just not right)
- Meets a guide = your company
- Who gives them a plan = the 3 steps to buying or using your product or service
- And calls them to action
- So that they can avoid failure…
- And avoid success.

In the image above, you can see the brandscript the AI gave me for my own business – SmartAlpaca Marketing, where we build websites and write content for nature and wildlife conservation organisations.
I was happily surprised to see the AI tool captured the facts from my previous answers quite accurately. And while as an experienced marketer, I know the standard brandscript is missing some essential elements – the results came up with were about 100 times better than most brandscripts I see from inexperienced users.
Review: Website Wireframe

On to the next step: a wireframe (content + structure) for my website’s homepage. This step truly blew my mind.
The structure was spot-on: using Storybrand’s “Marketing Made Simple” template for a homepage, it put all the information in the right place. Lacking creativity? Sure – hiring an actual person to do this allows them to think out of the box and adapt the flow and structure to your brand’s distinct offering and characteristics. But so much better than 99% of the DIY websites out there.
The content was… factually correct. I can’t blame the tool for not using my brand voice, reflecting my personality, or using the exact words my readers would use – as there was no opportunity to add this information ahead of time. However…
Each section is fully customisable – you can change the wording for every title, text, or button.
And even better: if you don’t like the copy, you can generate new suggestions for each separate section and see what the AI comes up with.
Review: Lead Generator Ideas & PDF
Next, I tried asking for lead generator ideas. In the past, the Storybrand framework recommended creating a PDF document as a free downloadable that your company could offer in exchange for someone’s email address; a practice that doesn’t work in every industry and for every type of audience anymore though. I expected to get ideas only for lead-generating PDF documents but to my surprise, it also recommended other lead generators – like a free webinar series, and simply offering a discovery call for lead gen.
Again, I didn’t love the wording; but as one of the ideas was something I already offer (a discovery call), the second one was something I was already working on, and the three others sounded like something I’d happily explore as a lead-generating resource – I was quite happy with the actual suggestions.
I was hoping I’d then be able to select one of the options so the tool could turn it into an actual PDF, but alas: clicking the “lead generating PDF” option created a completely different document (not listed in the earlier suggestions) following the standard Storybrand PDF lead generator structure.
Good stuff? Certainly something you can use when you’re short on time and need a lead-generating PDF, fast. The copy is well-structured and has all the elements you’d want in a lead-generating PDF – it answers questions your audience may have, and positions your company as the solution to their problems. You can edit the content to reflect your brand voice and add some details, and then easily copy the whole thing to send to your designer and turn it into a five-to-seven-page PDF document.
However – if I needed a new lead gen asset and had time/budget to create it, I would rather spend the time fleshing out one of the other ideas I was presented with.
Review: Storybrand.AI video scripts and nurture emails
Just for the fun of it, I thought I’d ask for a video script as well. To my great joy, there were a lot of different types of video script to choose from:

After choosing which type of script I wanted, the tool had a couple of questions for me. I tried a couple – and each asks you a series of big questions to answer in 700 characters or less (it’s pretty hard to be that concise!). It did ask me what tone I wanted for the video – although I’m not sure it really got it. Again, the results were well-structured – but definitely need a rewrite to capture the right voice and tone.
I also tried generating a nurture email, which offered a similar process.

Who is the Storybrand AI tool for?
Based on my experience so far, I see 3 types of people who could benefit from using the Storybrand.AI:
- Solo business owners with limited time and budget for their marketing – the Storybrand AI tool will churn out a cornucopia of assets in a minimum amount of time. And even if you don’t have time to add your personality and brand voice to the copy, it does allow you to get your message out there quickly and consistently. What you could spend several months trying to create, Storybrand.AI will create for you in a matter of minutes.
- Busy marketing managers (CMOs or fCMOs) who need lots of inspiration, fast – and don’t mind rewriting the output to fit the brand voice
- Marketers who want to offer low-cost marketing collateral following the Storybrand framework, and who are either able to write/rewrite the content following the structure provided by the AI – or whose clients don’t mind doing that themselves.
Will I be using Storybrand.AI?
What doesn’t do (yet), is writing in your brand voice, style, and personality. The output, while generally being good quality and sound structure/flow to it, is rather bland and generic. This is not an issue if you’re able to make the necessary changes yourself before sending it out into the world (or if you don’t care much about voice and style); for me (and after years of creating marketing content without the help of AI and other tools), it’s just as much work e.g. writing a homepage wireframe from scratch as it is rewriting the wireframe Storybrand.AI presented me with.
Will I be using for myself, or for my clients? Probably not… because I have access to much better tools. Tools that may cost five times as much and require a lot more learning, training, and know-how before you can get even remotely decent outputs out of them – but now that I’ve done the learning and the training, I’ll gladly stick with those.
Can Storybrand.AI do the work of a certified Storybrand Guide?
A question I’ve been asked many times in the past weeks and months: am I not afraid that the Storybrand AI tool will replace us Certified Storybrand Guides? My answer to that: definitely not. This tool is really for people who wouldn’t hire a Guide in the first place; it’s for the shoestring entrepreneurs and for those who need lots of assets with a minimum of effort.
I was however (and maybe still am) slightly concerned that the tool might degrade Storybrand’s unique IP: if it’s advertised as a tool that applies the Storybrand framework just as well as an experienced marketer. Users might take this literally, flood their channels with generic AI copy, and then blame the framework if the copy fails to connect with their audience.
The AI doesn’t do what an experienced marketer would do, which is reading between the lines during conversations, researching your industry, and finding the exact words your audience needs to hear in order to take action. When in doubt (and if you have the budget), always have a real person help you with both strategy and copywriting.
Conclusion: A Straightforward Tool for Outlining Marketing Collateral
Despite its one big flaw (its inability to write in your brand voice or style), Storybrand.AI does create a whole series of marketing assets with a minimum amount of input. No need to train the AI on what types of assets you want and which structure to follow for each asset – it’s all in there. Need a new series of nurture emails? Once you’ve put in your business details, you can come back to over and over for new inspiration.
I will recommend the Storybrand AI tool to some of my friends and contacts. It’s not for everyone, but it’s extremely user-friendly and gives your content the structure it needs – which is a huge advantage over most of the free or low-priced AI tools that many people use. It doesn’t need instructions or examples, on the contrary: it asks the questions an experienced marketer might ask you before getting to work – and then creates the content for you in a matter of minutes, instead of weeks.