As an entrepreneur, it makes sense that one of your top priorities is to “sell” your products, your services, or yourself. To your clients, potential clients and your followers.
And when it comes down to it, it’s not uncommon to hear the phrase, “I don’t like to sell my own stuff!”
You might think that is the issue; you need to become a better salesperson, or you need to become better at “selling yourself.”
It’s not.
The issue is you think you need to sell your products.
And I explain why in this video:
(or you can just read on below!)
Stop Selling Your Stuff
Instead of focusing on the need to sell and advertise a product or service, try looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
How does what you have to offer actually help people?
What can people achieve when they buy your product, complete your course, or use your services?
When you concentrate on the benefits of your service, product or idea, selling becomes a whole different ball game.
There are people out there who really NEED what you offer. You are doing them a disservice by not offering it to them.
They may already know you, follow you, trust you and like what you do… all they’re waiting for is for you to tell them how you can help them even more by:
offering them a service that will improve their business or their personal life.
offering them a product they really need, even if they don’t realise that just yet.
If you’re stuck on figuring who really needs what you’re offering, this post will show you how to find and connect with your perfect client.
Start Selling the Results People Will Achieve With Your Stuff
In essence, you shouldn’t be selling your products or services – you should be selling the outcome.
What will your students be able to achieve once they finish your course?
What insights will readers get from reading your book or watching your video, that might make a significant change in their life?
How will people feel when they get to use your product?
How much weight will you take off your clients’ shoulders if they hire you to help them out?
Most importantly – how can you help people achieve what they cannot achieve right now without your help?
What Are You Selling?
It’s your turn now: tell us more about your own product(s) or service(s)!
What are you “selling”, and what can people achieve with your help?
Do YOU believe in its power to help people?
Let me know in the comments below!